Media Arts & Technology


My current line of research and its clinical relevance is connected devices and how they are design and illustrated. Innovative educators can change storytelling, communication, and everyday life through sensing, understanding, and new interface technologies. We now have the opportunity to explore the future of electronic visual communication and expression, and learn how the distribution of computational intelligence throughout video and audio communication systems can make a richer connection between the people at the ends of the systems, whether a broadcast system or a peer-to-peer environment. As educators we also have the access to develop hardware and software technologies to support the requirements of such a scenario, with particular focus on new input and output technologies, advanced interfaces for consumer electronics, and self-organization among smart devices.


When it comes to Media Arts & Technology there are a number of inter-related imperatives for the public dissemination of the results of clinical trials: A judgment that the nature of the proposed research meets the requirement of scientific and social value presupposes that the research results will be publicly disseminated. This is analogous to the notion that the requirement of scientific and social value cannot be fulfilled if the research design is not scientifically (internally) valid.

Research on human subjects typically includes interventions that offer the prospect of health-related benefits, and interventions performed solely to answer the research question. This is invariably the case in clinical trials. While the risks associated with therapeutic interventions may be justified on the basis of anticipated health-related benefits, the risks (demarcated research risk) associated with non-therapeutic interventions are justified solely by the prospect of acquiring valuable and relevant knowledge.

Failure to disseminate research results, positive or negative, adversely affects the relevance of published results of other trials and the utility of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses of trials (publication bias). Failure to publish negative results may expose future patient-subjects in trials to interventions known to be inferior to other currently utilized treatments.
